Noul sistem de protectie al retelelor de la Tele, poate fi alimentat de la multiple tensiuni, cu tensiune nominala ajustabila de 24 V DC, 110-240 V AC si pana la 60 Hz
Grid and system protection is switched between a decentralized energy producer, such as a photovoltaic system, for example, and the grid of the public energy supply company (EVU) and continuously checks the grid quality. If the voltage or frequency in the public grid rises or falls beyond permissible limits, the small power station is immediately decoupled. In this way, any unintentional or “potentially dangerous” isolated operations are prevented from being carried out by maintenance personnel
Noul sistem de protectie al retelelor de la Tele, poate fi alimentat de la multiple tensiuni, cu tensiune nominala ajustabila de 24 V DC, 110-240 V AC si pana la 60 Hz