Touchscreen performant, scalabil, pentru cele mai pretentioase aplicatii
Cea mai populara gama de touchscreen-uri din gama OMRON, in permanenta aliniata la cele mai noi tehnologii. In fiecare an primeste noi functionalitati. Are port de programare pe USB, doua porturi de comunicatie RS232 si optional comunicatie prin Ethernet, cu web server incorporat. NS poate fi integrat in conceptul SAP de la OMRON (Smart Active Parts) pentru a economisi timp cu parametrizarea si programarea. Acest concept aduce functionalitate "drag and drop" la programare, astfel ca alocarea de biti intre touchscreen si PLC se face automat.
Touchscreen performant, scalabil, pentru cele mai pretentioase aplicatii
Cea mai populara gama de touchscreen-uri din gama OMRON, in permanenta aliniata la cele mai noi tehnologii.
Model name |
Specifications |
Model number |
Standards |
Effective display area |
Number of dots |
Ethernet |
Case color |
NS5-V2 |
5.7-inch |
320 × 240 dots |
No |
Ivory |
NS5-MQ10-V2 |
UC1, CE, N, L, |
Black |
NS5-MQ10B-V2 |
Yes |
Ivory |
NS5-MQ11-V2 |
Black |
NS5-MQ11B-V2 |
5.7-inch |
No |
Ivory |
NS5-SQ10-V2 |
Black |
NS5-SQ10B-V2 |
Yes |
Ivory |
NS5-SQ11-V2 |
Black |
NS5-SQ11B-V2 |
5.7-inch |
No |
Ivory |
NS5-TQ10-V2 |
Black |
NS5-TQ10B-V2 |
Yes |
Ivory |
NS5-TQ11-V2 |
Black |
NS5-TQ11B-V2 |
NS8-V2 |
8.4-inch |
640 × 480 dots |
No |
Ivory |
NS8-TV00-V2 |
UC1, CE, N, L |
Black |
NS8-TV00B-V2 |
Yes |
Ivory |
NS8-TV01-V2 |
Black |
NS8-TV01B-V2 |
NS10-V2 |
10.4-inch |
640 × 480 dots |
No |
Ivory |
NS10-TV00-V2 |
UC1, CE, N, L, |
Black |
NS10-TV00B-V2 |
Yes |
Ivory |
NS10-TV01-V2 |
Black |
NS10-TV01B-V2 |
NS12-V2 |
12.1-inch |
800 × 600 dots |
No |
Ivory |
NS12-TS00-V2 |
Black |
NS12-TS00B-V2 |
Yes |
Ivory |
NS12-TS01-V2 |
Black |
NS12-TS01B-V2 |
NS15-V2 |
15-inch |
1,024 × 768 dots |
Yes |
Silver |
NS15-TX01S-V2 |
Black |
NS15-TX01B-V2 |
NSH5-V2 |
5.7-inch |
320 × 240 dots |
No |
Black (Emergency stop |
NSH5-SQR10B-V2 |
UC, CE |
Black |
NSH5-SQG10B-V2 |